09 Cruise Part 2
This represents the evening after Key West, the day at sea, and my diving in Grand Cayman.
View from the ship.
Approaching the “Wall” dropoff in Grand Cayman with Mark my insta-buddy. It goes from 80 feet and drops down to around 2400 feet. Mark is from Illonois and was a great guy to dive with.
One of the coolest parts of the trip. A sea turtle that sat there eating coral and letting us take pictures of him. I was about 6 feet away from him.
Video of a yellow fish that was swimming around me. I was going to just delete this one but it’s funny hearing me repeatedly click the zoom out button which decided to not work. I had to take it out of video mode first to zoom back out.
Second try of the yellow fish. Pretty cool this time.
Video showing the fingers of sand between the coral beds. Neat how the coral grows like that.
Swim-through following Mark. Normally with an advanced cert you never enter an overhead environment but people tend to overlook it a little for stuff like this (though I don’t recommend doing so). You can see me totally screw up my buoyancy at the end from paying too much attention to the camera.
Just scuba’in along with Mark.
A sea fan coral waving in the current “breeze.”
A fairly large fish trying to eat stuff off the bottom. I think that’s what it’s doing anyway.
So if I try to give descriptions of every picture I’ll never get this done, so here’s just a quick gallery view of everything with some comments. I’ll add more as I get more time and people ask me what different pictures are of.
- Zzzzzz
- Lucky Guy!
- Haha, Yee will kill me for posting this one
- Lovely in-laws
- Mark
- Plaque at the base of the bouy anchor
- Angry Me!
- Me!
- safety stops
- Mark side
- Mark Siloette
- Hidden Ray
- Hidden Ray2
- Hidden Ray3
- Hidden Ray4
- FISH! Love this shot
- sea cucumber
- sea cucumber
- Divers!
- Emergency air hookah
- Random couple doing a safety stop
- Random couple 2